Caring Days has the support of the United Way, various businesses, organizations, local churches and individuals within the community. However, the need for other support still exists
This is sample bequest language:
I give to the board of directors or other governing body of Caring Congregations, Inc. located in the City of Tuscaloosa, State of Alabama, and to its successors, in trust, the sum of $______________ to manage or dispose of it as it deems proper, such sum to be held, administered, and distributed by such board of directors or other governing body in such manner as it deems appropriate and without restrictions for the exclusive benefit of the Caring Days Adult Daycare Program.
Caring Days thanks each of our volunteers for the rays of sunshine they bring our way.
• Download a Volunteer Application

Caring Days supply wish list:
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Postage stamps
Sugar free cookies
Peanut Butter Crackers
Decaf coffee & filters
Decaf tea bags
Flushable Adult wipes
Canned food items
Heavy duty paper items: plates, cups, etc..
Paper napkins
8 oz./paper Styrofoam cups
USED store bags, ex: Walmart, Publix, etc...